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  4. Rhythm: Busy Busy Stop Stop

Rhythm: Busy Busy Stop Stop

This pattern consists of four semiquavers and two quavers.

  • Four semiquavers is one beat
  • Two quavers is one beat

Tap your foot or have your parent clap a slow steady beat while you clap the rhythm

  • Four claps for “busy busy”
  • Two slower claps for “stop stop”

Once you can clap it and say it with the correct rhythm, try playing it on your A string.

  • The “busy busy” part should use short bows.
  • The “stop stop” part is played “staccato”, which means short, sharp bows. Make sure your bow stops at each “stop”

Watch the video below and say the words in time to the music.

Practice your busy busy stop stop on A string using the recording as an accompaniment. Turn the volume up so you can hear it over your own sound!

Things to look for:

How much bow am I using? Is it long bows or short bows?

Which part of the bow am I using? Near the tip or in the middle?

Which part of my arm is moving? Does my elbow “chug” back and forth?

How close is my bow to the bridge?

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