Playing position

By now, we know how to hold the violin/viola in rest position and carry it around safely. The next step is to get into the playing position!

We’ll break this down into steps. You can do this without the bow to start with.

Correct posture makes everything that comes after so much easier so it’s really worth spending a bit of time to get this right.

Practice tip:
Do this a few times in a row (from violin at rest to shoulder). Hold the position for ten seconds and put it back to rest.

Practice while looking in a mirror if possible. This allows the child to associate the way it feels with how it looks.

Do make sure every time you practice that the posture is as correct as you can manage. Practice cuts both ways — if we train our bodies to do things the wrong way, it can build habits that need to be untangled.

If it’s not picture-perfect, don’t worry – just pay attention to the key points. It’ll get easier the more you do it.

Some of the kids will want to go straight from rest to the shoulder in one movement (“I know what I’m doing, mum!“).

This is absolutely where we want to get to but do the movement step by step a few times initially as it helps to get into the correct position.

Position 1

Start in the rest position with the instrument under your right arm. Curl the fingers of your left hand under the shoulder of the instrument with your thumb on the “nose”. You should have a nice firm grip.

Extend your left arm to hold the instrument out in front of you.

Position 2

Rotate your arm, so the instrument sits on top of your arm. Keep your arm straight – the shoulder rest should be somewhere near your elbow.

Position 3

Keep your nose facing forward. B bend your elbow to bring the instrument to your left shoulder without turning your head.

Place your jaw gently on the chinrest.

Things to watch out for

  • If you do not yet have a shoulder rest don’t let go of the instrument!
  • Make sure that your head does not swivel or tilt to meet the violin
  • Keep your left elbow under the body of the instrument
  • Keep your back straight and relaxed

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