Parts of the bow


The diagram below shows the names of all the important parts of the bow.

Practice tip:
Point to parts of the bow and ask your child to name each one.

Keep fingers away from the hair! It’s difficult to clean if it gets dirty.

The Bow


This isn’t strictly speaking part of the bow, but it’s worth mentioning it here. Rosin is made from the sticky residue you find on pine trees (“resin”). It is rubbed on the bow hair to increase friction and help the bow “grip” the string.

Be extra careful not to drop your rosin block on a hard floor. It is quite brittle and will likely shatter. It’s ok if a bit chips off — you can still use it.

If it does shatter, get rid of the small chunks and keep the largest block. Don’t hang onto every little piece as it will just turn into a sticky mess.

Rosin comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.

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